Amount Received
£ 10,000.00
£ 0.00 Avg. Saving vs. Banks ?
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Amount Received
£ 10,000.00
£ 0.00 Avg. Saving vs. Banks ?
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Est. 2001
Est. 2013
Fee: ? $4.99 to $10.99
Bank Partner: ?
Speed: ?
Local Settlement: ? Worldwide
Transfer Methods ?
Regulated By: ?
General Notes N/a
Country Notes N/a
Fee: ? Currently no FX rate pricing
Bank Partner: ?
Speed: ? 0-0 days
Local Settlement: ? Global
Transfer Methods ?
Regulated By: ?
General Notes Revolut allows you to send fast, free and secure money transfers to bank accounts in over 120 countries while saving you money by using the real exchange rate.
Country Notes Available in 120 countries

The pros and cons of using Xoom


Actively reply to any issues or queries on Trustpilot

Apps on iOS and Android can be used to transfer money on-the-go

Transferred money delivered via bank account, reload airtime, cash or can be used to pay utility bills

Same-day delivery available in many countries

$10,000 daily maximum limit


Higher markups on exchange rates than a lot of competitors

Minimum fee of $4.99 for credit cards

No live chat feature for customers

The pros and cons of using Revolut


Fully authorised by the FCA

Fee-free transactions

Easily manage your account online or through the mobile app

Free multi-currency account with up to 29 different currencies

Easy to set up an account, you can start using it quickly

Easy to transfer money back off your card into your bank account

Cryptocurrency offering

24-hour customer service


Uses the interbank rate for transactions at weekends, which misses out on any currency fluctuations

Charges fees when markets are closed at weekends

Free cash withdrawals have a monthly limit

There are no physical branches


Higher markups on exchange rates than a lot of competitors

Minimum fee of $4.99 for credit cards

No live chat feature for customers


Uses the interbank rate for transactions at weekends, which misses out on any currency fluctuations

Charges fees when markets are closed at weekends

Free cash withdrawals have a monthly limit

There are no physical branches

Amount Received
£ 10,000.00
£ 0.00 Avg. Saving vs. Banks ?
Go to site
Amount Received
£ 10,000.00
£ 0.00 Avg. Saving vs. Banks ?
Go to site

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Advanced: compare to quote from your bank ?

Other International Money Transfer Quotes


Est. 1998

OFX provides secure and speedy international money transfers to over 300,000 people in 55 currencies at better-than-bank rates.

More InfoLess Info
Amount Received
GBP £7,549.90
USD $236.91
saved vs. banks


Est. 1990
Established in 1990, Venstar is a worldwide leader in Foreign Exchange Payments and Services.
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FXcompared Rating
Amount Received
GBP £7,553.71
USD $241.91
saved vs. banks

Average US Bank

Est. 1900

Average of the top US Banks costs as compiled by our own FXC Intelligence group. For more details on the how the bank price comparisons are calculated that include Bank of America, CIBC, Capital One, Citigroup, HSBC Bank USA, JP Morgan Chase, PNC Financial Services, Santander USA, The Northern Trust Company, Toronto Dominion Bank USA, Wells Fargo, see our IMTI page.

More InfoLess Info
Amount Received
GBP £7,361.72
No saving vs. banks

Other Company Comparisons

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FXcompared.com is an fx money comparison site for international money transfer and to compare rates from currency brokers for sending money abroad. The website and the information provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer, solicitation or advice on any financial service or transaction. None of the information presented is intended to form the basis for any investment decision, and no specific recommendations are intended.  FXC Group Ltd and FX Compared Ltd does not provide any guarantees of any data from third parties listed on this website. FX compared Ltd expressly disclaims any and all responsibility for any direct or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from (i) any error, omission or inaccuracy in any such information or (ii) any action resulting therefrom.